
June 21, 2024

According to a new survey, citizens of high-income nations are dissatisfied with their democracy more than ever. For the US, does it boil down to wage differences? Political power? The economy? Interestingly, no. The difference lies in something attainable…


June 20, 2024

War and well-being do not go hand-in-hand. We see it in Haiti, Gaza, Ukraine — and Sudan. In each of these countries, hunger is an issue and Sudan is the latest to test our collective resolve of either doing…


June 19, 2024

There’s no two ways about it: The push to rid the country of public, federal and private policies addressing racial disparities, through abolishing DEI considerations, from diversifying boardrooms and C-Suites to college campuses, is a blatant aggression to whitewash…


June 18, 2024

A college degree doesn’t guarantee success but, according to a survey, it’s a pretty good indicator for future success for one particular group of students; Thailand gains the distinction of being the first Southeast Asian country to pass legislation…


June 17, 2024

Common fodder to keep conspiracy enthusiasts in tow is to talk about a shift happening in the world. Whether you call it a ‘spiritual awakening’ or the dawn of ‘far-right,’ both signal a shift in thinking and empathy. Otherwise,…


June 14, 2024

Forget the polls, surveys and on-the-street interviews trying to gauge voter sentiment for the November presidential election. The only thing needed is to see what issues are on the ballot, namely abortion. If so, then the odds are pretty…


June 13, 2024

Many of us are lucky that when we go to vote, we only have to show our ID or voter’s card to be handed a ballot. However, there are some blatant attempts around the country where the local GOP…


June 12, 2024

Surveys are incredibly fickle. The results are predetermined by who is surveyed. The key is to actually equally survey people who fall on both sides of the spectrum of whatever the topic is. The best surveys are those topics…


June 11, 2024

The recent liberation of 4 Israeli hostages that resulted in the deaths of over 200 innocent women, children and men begs scrutiny of how that much loss of life justifies the rescue of 4 people? Especially, if confirmed, additional…


June 10, 2024

Summertime was traditionally the time when teenagers found jobs to help save for their expenses during the school year. Unfortunately, too many students, low-income and youths of color, are having to work year-round to help their families just make…


June 7, 2024

The trouble with listening to politicians who lie on the campaign trail, whether for their own benefit or someone they’re supporting, is that, over time, even the craziest take on issues begin to sound rational. How else to explain…


June 6, 2024

More people are losing their jobs. In fact, 229,000 jobless claims were filed, according to numbers released this morning. That’s 29,000 more than what was estimated. So, it’s no wonder that more Americans are stressed about their finances, though…


June 5, 2024

As new technology spreads across the globe, many, usually smaller, countries are embracing it fully. For example, El Salvador full adopted bitcoin as their official currency. Now, AI is taking the world’s imagination by storm. It’s reported that global…


June 4, 2024

The US economy continues to chug along. According to stats, unemployment is still low and jobs plentiful — try telling that to all the people who are being laid off on a daily basis and hitting their screens searching…


June 3, 2024

Though Mexico has elected its first female president – which is sending shivers through people, and financial markets, who foresee a continuation of leftist dismantling of the country’s democratic institutions — China is the country commanding attention this morning….


May 31, 2024

It’s an understatement to say Trump’s conviction, on May 30, 2024, plucked a chord in the national, and global, psyche. His supporters behaved as expected: denounced the verdict, the justice system and vilified the judge, jury and prosecutors. The…


May 30, 2024

The campaign that started criminalizing possession of even the tiniest amounts of drugs, “Just Say No,” did more damage to minority communities than helped them. Meant to discourage usage of drugs, the campaign ended up meting out disproportionate prison…


May 29, 2024

Reviewing today’s headlines for the daily summary, I was surprised at how many dealt with climate change. I don’t consciously choose a theme and try to find headlines that align but you wouldn’t think that after perusing these ten….


May 28, 2024

Even though economists keep telling us that the economy isn’t that bad, it’s bad enough that 78 percent feel fast food is now a ‘luxury;’ During COVID, everyone yearned for wide, open spaces. So many that they left their…


May 27, 2024

On this Memorial Day, we honor our veterans. Contrary to what Trump has gone on record (disgustingly) saying, that veterans who die on the battlefield are “losers” and “suckers,” we know better. We understand that all those whose job…


May 24, 2024

On the surface, Russia and China appear to be acting independently, but beneath? Reuters reports this morning that Putin is ready to negotiate a ceasefire. On the other hand, Xi Jinping is getting bolder in laying his claim over…


May 23, 2024

Layoffs are accelerating. While some prices are coming down, others are staying stubbornly high. Rents are still increasing. The costs that impact Americans most can usually be traced back to one source: corporate greed. While polls show people blame…


May 22, 2024

Just to set the record straight: Our current inflation is not a result of any one political party in office. This is a global phenomenon where, if you will, the stars aligned to create the perfect storm of economic…


May 21, 2024

Is it possible for someone to NOT be biased? In my opinion, no. We are shaped by our experiences. They impact our perspectives, our behavior and our interactions with others. That’s why when I entered journalism all those years…


May 20, 2024

Weekend events have made the world a riskier place to live. Whether it’s the sudden death of Iran’s president, Trump floating the idea of staying in office for 3 terms if he wins, Russia’s aggressive gains in the Ukraine…